Saying, it's okay that more unarmed black people are shot than unarmed white people because "they could have been going for the officers gun" is NOT a meaningful rebuttal. Because just as there are some unarmed black people that go for an officers gun there are also some unarmed white people that go for the officers gun.
You don't just get to subtract some ad hoc hypothetical number from the number of unarmed black people who are shot without ALSO subtracting a comparable ad hoc hypothetical number for the unarmed white people who are shot by the police. And if we did this, we would STILL end up with a figure showing unarmed black people are six times more likely to be shot by the police than unarmed white people.
Simon's point that black people have more interactions with the police is TRUE (good job Simon!). But stating that they're having more interactions because of criminal activity is FALSE (can't win them all). Rather, black people have more interactions with police because of Implicit Bias.
As has been noted on this thread anecdotally, simply being a black man in a good neighborhood is enough for police to pull you over. I myself have also witnessed this first hand - and I live in a fairly liberal part of California. Last year I was pulled over seemingly without reason and, after giving my license and registration to the officer, I asked the officer for the reason of the stop. He said, and I'm quoting word for word here, "I noticed you had an African American juvenile sitting in the back seat."
I explained that it was my friends teenage son whom I was giving a ride home and I was completely shocked he would pull me over for that. He said, "Well it's pretty weird that he would be hanging out with you guys."
Crazy right? But this sort of thing isn't simply limited to anecdotal accounts. Implicit bias is a well studied phenomenon and clearly shows black people are far more likely to attract police attention than white people for identical behavior:
It's also been shown that a persons race statistically influences an officers decision to shoot:
But the Implicit Bias isn't just on cops either. We also know that us citizens are more likely to call the cops on black people than we are on white people. Simple Misfits noticed this after he locked his keys out of his car and called AAA a black tow truck driver came and tried open his car. Even though there was a big a tow truck there - the police still ended up getting called on driver. This experience prompted Simple Misfits to conduct a social experiment. While the video is kinda funny the results are pretty profound: